- PMO stands for Project Management Office or Program Management Office?
- Does an organization need to have Project Management Office before establishing Program Management Office?
- Does Project Management Office & Program Management Office function the same way and operating in the same manner?
I'm a little bit confused here regarding PMO, appreciate if any experts here can help me define to me a little bit.
- It is most commonly used to mean Project Management Office.
- If you are not running projects, then you won’t have any programs. However, programs need projects, so the assumption is projects are taking place in the organization. On that basis a Program Management Office is a natural extension of the Project Management Office. Make sense?
- The functions of a Project Management Office and Program Management Office differ. While the Project Management Office concentrates on the way individual projects are run and helping the project manager, the Program Management Office is more strategic, concerned with management of the entire project portfolio to get benefits the organization wants.
Okay let's say if the organization is going to build & manage 4 game park projects nationwide and each project will cost around 100 million.
- Can we consider each of the game park project as a program? For instance "Program Game Park 1", "Program Game Park 2" and so forth. Each program will have projects under it such as theme design project, IT project, etc. Under each project will have maybe sub-projects. Is it okay to structure it that way? Or do we structure it as "4 Game park nationwide" will be the program and under it will be "Project Game Park 1", "Project Game Park 2" and so forth?
- For the above scenario, does project management office or program management office will be more suitable? Some people see Program Management Office as PgMO, is this the official term?
- Let's say all the PM dont have the technical knowledge of project management or the understanding methodologies and framework. Can the Program Management Office function a little bit as both including the function of Project Managment Office which is helping all the PM and provide them the necessary guide on how to manage based on PMI framework? Will that be effective?
- I believe in a program, there must the Program manager, the PMO Manager, and Project managers. Is it necessary to have Program Manager or can the PMO Manager play a role as the Program Manager as well?