Recruitment - Best Channels?

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Afternoon All!

Pleasure to be on this forum and interact with talented Project Managers!

I work for a Consultancy called Linnk Group and I operate all over UK & Europe. I represent clients from various different industries including Industrial Automation & Automotive and I want to found out what websites do most Project Managers use when actively seeking a new position? I already have a good amount of resources however, I'm always looking to see if there any better ways to connect with Project Managers that are actively seeking a new challenge.

Just in case there are any Project Managers on this particular forum seeking a new challenge, please feel free to connect with me on Linkedin or contact me directly / +44 203 800 1066 / +44 7534 295 263.

Many thanks
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Hi, jacklinnk,

I'd look at three areas if seeking a new position: Jooble, LinkedIn, and Project Manager Jobs. I'm in the UK, and these three represent a good spread of opportunities.

I like Jooble because of its reach, a job aggregator that displays job adverts from thousands of job boards. I like LinkedIn because, assuming you've created a stellar profile, you may get approached for jobs based on your particular talent and skillset. Finally, I like Project Manager Jobs because they are a specialist in, as the name suggests, project management jobs and have a significant focus in that areas.

I published an article about these three in more detail called, Is Project Management a Good Career Choice? Scroll down to the section called, Use the Best Recruitment Channels.

What do other people think? Any other suggestions of where to go when seeking a new position?

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