Hello. We're looking to implement an off-the-shelf project management solution with a CRM component (with customisation capability) for a company and its subsidiaries. Below are the requirements. Any Solution suggestions? Thanks in advance!
Number of users: 5 (IT/Administrators), 40-100 (staff users)
All CRM application software and company data must reside on our servers - we are not looking for a Software as a Service (SaaS) solution.
Ability to segregate and limit access to certain files and folders - higherarchy of security measures, access
Integration with Microsoft Office applications
.Net technology
Data enrichment – importing additional data from external sources
Good in depth mobile functionality/cross-functionality
iPhone App (preferably offline so that data can be entered when not connected to the Internet and then synced with a connection is re-established).
Customer Relationship Management
Contact Manager - A module to manage contacts (client, vendor, etc.), including contact address, shipping address, billing address, and various phone numbers. Also, we should be able to attach events, notes, communication (calls, emails, etc.), electronic files and time logged related a contact.
Phone Call Manager - Date, time, parties involved in the call, length of call, linked the call to a contact, linked to contact(s).
Call prompts and integration with Outlook for meetings.
Bookkeeping functionality (General Ledger, Billing, Accounts Payable/Receivable, Cheques, etc).
Trust accounting functionality.
Timekeeping and Payroll
Ability for each employee to enter time by project
Integrated with financials and payroll
Ability to track staff hours to particular projects
Ability to capture multi-jurisdictional payroll
Travel – expense reports, receipt itemization, tracking, cost assignment
Reporting - Integration with MS Office reporting and Adobe PDF
Project Management
Create and asign tasks to staff, ability to track progress/status, time spent, and attach/view applicable documents
Tracks and monitors details and status of all internal and investment projects
Secure Internet portal to allow for multiple users to view and modify portfolio
Integrated with financials
Contract management
Reporting - Integration with MS Office reporting and Adobe PDF
Portfolio Management
Manage active portfolio with significant input capabilities
Secure Internet portal to allow for multiple users to view and modify portfolio
Integrated with financials
Reporting - Integration with MS Office reporting and Adobe PDF
On screen Dashboards and printable reports (e.g., portfolio exposure ($, geographic, etc.), deal profiles, deals by status, etc.)
Integration with MS Office reporting and Adobe PDF
Document Management
Secured document sharing
Data Protection is critical
Rights and permissions
Version control
Ability to share multiple file types (e.g., Word, Excel, PDF, etc.)
Serviceability - ability to type in a search word/phrase and pull up results of all document types + Outlook
Time outs if user inactive after a designated period of time
Ability to have sub-directories within a particular matter
SharePoint integration
Knowledge management – possibilities of incorporating tools to search knowledge bases; store and maintain a consolidated repository of knowledge articles.
Group Calendar - linked to Outlook.
Business workflow and alerts – automated business processes and controls as to which, and in what way, assigned personnel are involved and alert appropriate parties when certain business conditions are met.