Programme Management - Dereliction of Duty?

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I have joined an org where my project is part of a programme. I am experiencing the following. There are four programme managers and all refuse requests for:
  1. Project Board participation
  2. Comment or approval on PID to agree on any sort of proper governance and reporting arrangement
  3. Attendance at project change boards and approval or rejections of changes from client and guidance on appropriate funding
  4. Programme Manager assistance with escalations to get other teams or suppliers co-operation
We as a project, have no formal authority over these groups. They simply reflect the issue back with a "speak to such and such". No one seems to take responsibility.

I have done the programme management role, and I insist on all the above to ensure the projects deliver.

Instead, they insist on a daily "report" that gets copied and pasted into other project managers reports for sending to the client. It imposes waste on us as I am running the project successfully using agile. So we only have fixed duration cycles. They complain when I put issues on it that need their action even though the report asks for it.

How do you deal with this?
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I should also add that the programme insists on all the project managers updating a single shared 2000 task MS Project plan without config management that results in changes, etc. being lost and I feel removes focus from managing the project to managing the plan. They provide no specification or acceptance of deliverables to projects either.
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