Project Goals and Objectives

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Hi All,

I was wondering how you make a definition between a goals and an objective?

I have read many conflicting things online and can't seem to get a uniform answer.

I have read a goal is what the project will accomplish and the objectives are how we are going to achieve that goal. From this all Objectives should be measured via SMART, I find this very confusing.....

And to top it all off we then have benefits, what difference is there between benefits, goals and objectives?

Would be great if someone could bring clarity to this.


A confused PM
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Projects are planned and implemented in terms of their Goals and Objectives set by the Project Champion and StakeholdersGoals and Objectives must be clearly defined and established at the outset.Goals are outcomes whilst Objectives are activities that will result in the desired outcome.
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Objectives are the starting step of the project. How we carry forward a project and reach the destination. Goals are the outcome that we get from the project. Goal are fixed at the initial stage and we try to achieve the goal by following the objectives.
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Objectives and goals are often confused. In the context of a project, one of the first things to define is a Project Objective Statement. A project objective statement is a formal statement of what the project is intended to complete, and should be clear, concise, and complete.
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