How to Manage a Resource on Agile Based Project

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Hello Everyone,

I want to know how one can work on good Resource Management and Resource Utilization in Agile Based Projects.

We have come across a situation wherein resources are moving out for better opportunities in the middle of the project.

What would be the best way to keep client/customer happy???


Pay the resources more! Ha...easier said than done. So resources are leaving the project for other projects in the organization or are they leaving the organization completely? There isn't much you can do on the latter - although that is a very bad situation for your organization in the long run....losing all top talent during projects. In the former situation - where they leave one project for another...if that is being allowed that's a management issue.

But, your question really dealt more with the customer - how do you keep them happy. That's a tough one and if you're the project manager it all really falls on you - even if you have no say over it. The key is to somehow keep them from leaving. As for the customer...I guess overstaff by one on projects so their is some shadowing and your project suffers less when one leaves...but don't charge the customer for all of this extra resources time. Or make sure there is lots of sharing of duties across project roles so a loss of a resource isn't too monumental. This is a bad situation...

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Hi Prashant,

People don't leave for better opportunities if they feel satisfied with their current role. You need to find out why people are leaving and get to the bottom of the issue/s so that you can address it. The same applies to clients/customers - have honest and direct conversations with them. Ask what they like and dislike about your current relationship, and what you could do better. Work together to come up with a solution.
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Hi Syed

The best is to do a proper skills assessment to learn what the individual team member's skills are. When planning the tasks/activities ensure that you have a good workload balance and don't over allocate. In other words don't make the mistake in trying to allocate someone 100% per day as this does not work in reality. By knowing the full skill set of all the team members you should be able to plug any gaps and swop resources when you need to.
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Hello Syed

For resource utilization is to do a skills assessment first, as this will give you an insight of whether your resource have the skills to wear more than one hat, if they are not well balanced you can end up with bottlenecks during your development process.

For resource management I would consult the Human Resources Management chapter on the PMBOK and pickup some guidance on acquiring and developing the team, for everything else stick to agile principles.
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