Process review - how to present it to my boss?

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Hi. I'm new to the forum.

I have just started a new job at a new company. Although I understand the business area that I am working within, the systems and processes are all new to me.

My new boss has tasked me to get an understanding of the systems, but mainly the processes that are in place for the first 2 weeks of my new job. I am into my 2nd week and have to present my findings on Friday.

He has said he is not fussed about the format etc of my review, it's up to me but I feel this a test of my skills. He doesn't want a big presentation with pictures etc, so I am thinking a simple word document covering the follow subjects/content should work;
  • Systems & department overview (brief review)
  • Process overview / understanding (inc diagram)
  • Touch points for all departments
  • Specific department responsibilities
  • Process for change
I'm looking for some help on any diagrams or docs that work well in this instance, or any advice that people can give.

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