I am hoping to gain a bit of advice if possible? I have succesfully passed my Prince2 Practitioner and finally secured an interview after several months of applications to various roles.
One of the requirements of the role is to be Prince2 qualified.
The interview will consist of a presentation, a test and general interview questions.
The scenario for the presentation is as follows:
A senior manager has been present at a meeting where a new IT system has been mentioned in passing. You have been tasked by them to find out all the information about the system that you can, and present back to the senior manager on the way forward. What would you need to find out? How would you find it out and how would you present it back to your senior manager?
My interpretation of the question, and according to Prince2, for a successfuI project I should find out the following:
- Costs
- Timescales
- Quality
- Scope
- Risk
- Benefits
Thank you in advance.