Case Studies
These case studies show the use of project management in practice. Studying real-life situations will help you see how others have been successful.
Agile Adoption: A Case Study
This case study was conducted to evaluate Agile adoption on a project that has to update an obsolete enterprise data warehouse. These are my findings.
Knowing When to Say 'Enough'
Brad Egeland's story of a project with a seemingly never-ending string of software bugs and what he learned that can help PMs faced with a similar situation.
Too Tired to Care? Regain Your Perspective With 5 Proven Practices
Five common sense practices to help you regain perspective, reduce stress and optimise the results from time invested in work.
Who is the Project Manager?
A dilemma: should you appoint someone who is an experienced project manager or someone who will champion the change?
My Story: Working Smarter; Not Harder
Susanne Madsen's own story of her journey from stressed and overworked project manager, to discovery of smarter working practices and a more fulfilling working life.
What a Heart Surgeon Could Learn From a Project Manager
The surgeon could learn a few things from project managers about how to create a sound work management (surgery management) methodology.
Every Beginning is Difficult
This case study looks at the challenges faced by Schenker Singapore, a transport and logistics company, when they embarked on a Lean Six Sigma programme.
Project Management Approach for Business Process Improvement
As organisations grow, they need to continuously analyse and refine their processes to ensure they are doing business as effectively as possible.
The Best Project Managers are Emotion-driven Leaders
Charles J. Pellerin's personal ill-fated story, as project director for the launch of the Hubble telescope, on his journey to the discovery of true leadership.
Using ROI to Evaluate Project Management Training
How XYZ law firm used Phillips ROI Methodology to evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of their project management training programmes.
The Hidden Costs and Dangers of the Shortcut
We live in a world where we are often pressured to take shortcuts to save time and cut costs as much as possible. Here's an anecdote to think about.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Project Management
Corporations are more sensitive to social issues than ever before. So how do you rationalise the organisations' demands for CSR with project objectives?
Green Projects
Green projects place new demands on the project manager. This article describes one such project and some of these new demands.
Communication is Key: Getting Everyone in the Loop
Communication is key. Is inefficient communication plaguing your organisation? Learn how to get everyone on the same page with Microsoft SharePoint.
A Tale of Two Projects
A business tale of what it takes to turn around troubled projects. How did PintCo recover their Customer Master File project when everything was going in the wrong direction.
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Gantt Charts, PERT Charts: What Use Are They?
Gantt charts and PERT charts are useful tools for visualising and communicating information about projects, but they do have a number of limitations.
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How Gantt Charts Can Help Avoid Disaster
A short case study about the importance of using appropriate tools, such as Gantt charts, when managing time sensitive projects.
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Rescuing a Small Project
Recently, I was asked to jump in and rescue a small infrastructure project that was headed for disaster. What did I do?